As a meeting planner you have a multitude of responsibilities to be sure your events come off without a hitch.  Sharing planning tips with you is something we thoroughly enjoy.  Now you can listen to The Meetings Concierge Podcasts on your favorite app.  They can also be found on our website, on the Podcasts link:

Here you will find many topics relatable to anyone responsible for organizing meetings. Our knowledge comes from our hotel backgrounds where we saw what worked well and what didn’t with groups.  And, when we talk with you after your events, you share with us what went right or wrong giving us new solutions to communicate with you.  Hotel sales managers are eager to get a signed contract; that’s their job.  Your job is to cross every “t” and dot every “I” as it’s always the small details that get overlooked that cause the most stress.  

And, check out our LinkedIn Group, too.  We frequently post tips to help you – Meeting Planning Tools, Tips, & Best Practices.  Here is the link.

Planning ahead keeps you calm & ready for “show time”.  You’ll find a connection with the podcast topics and tips.  Tune in wherever you are, and whenever you wish.  We enjoy coaching & guiding you to be an exceptional meeting planner for your organization.